Atlantic City or Mainland Campus
If you have questions about a bill please contact our billing company. If you visited the Atlantic City or Mainland Campus, please use the following:
email: aea1@billing@mydocbill.com
Atlantic Emergency Associates
PO Box 411020
Boston, MA 02241-1020
Hammonton Campus
If your visit was at the Hammonton Campus, please use the following:
email: aea1@billing@mydocbill.com
Atlantic Emergency Associates Hammonton
PO Box 411017
Boston, MA 02241-1017
If you have direct questions, please email us or fill out the questionnaire below.
"*" indicates required fields
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I get a separate bill from AtlantiCare and Atlantic Emergency Associates?
Atlantic Emergency Associates is a private physician practice that partners with AtlantiCare to staff the Physicians, Nurse Practitioner, and Physician Assistants in the Emergency Department of AtlantiCare. Patient that are seen at the City, Mainland, or Hammonton Emergency Room will receive a bill for AEA for the professional services while in the care of the provider. The patient will also receive a bill from AtlantiCare for the treatment that is associated with the services with their hospital visit.
How can I obtain a copy of my bill and explanation of charges?
Atlantic Emergency Associates does not retain a copy of the patient bills. All requests for bills or explanation must be made at 1-833-783-7111.
How do I get a copy of my medical records?
Medical records can be obtained thru the hospital portal or by phone. Atlantic Emergency Associates does not retain a copy of the patient records. All Records must be requested thru AtlantiCare. (1-888-569-1000).
Who is Action Collections?
It is the responsibility of the patient to provider proper Health insurance or to pay their bill in full. Bills that are not collected in a timely manner will be sent from the billing company that is contract by AEA to a collection agency for debt collections. Action Collections is the collection agency that services AEA accounts. They can be reach at 866-467-4907 or on the web at https://www.clientaccessweb.com/ACA/Payments/